Singing Guide: Walking On Cars

Singing Guide: Walking On Cars

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Walking On Cars is an Irish alternative rock band formed in 2010. They have gained popularity with their unique sound, which features intense and emotionally charged vocals, layered with a variety of instruments and soundscapes. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Walking On Cars lead vocalist, Patrick Sheehy.

Vocal Characteristics:

Patrick Sheehy's voice is characterized by a mix of powerful falsetto notes, raw and intense vocals and an emotive delivery style, often mirroring the songs' lyrical content. Additionally, Patrick's vocal style often uses vibrato as a way to emphasize emotional moments and convey the lyrics' message effectively.

Songs to focus on:

To learn singing like Patrick Sheehy, you must listen closely to Walking on Cars' music and try to mirror the musical styling in your own vocals. The following songs are a great showcase of Patrick's vocal techniques; you should learn and practice them to hone your own vocal skills.

  • Speeding Cars
  • Two Stones
  • Don't Mind Me
  • Coldest Water
  • Someone Else’s Song

Techniques to practice:

Along with listening to Walking on Cars tracks and trying to replicate Patrick Sheehy's vocals, you should also practice the following techniques:

Breath support

Good breath control during singing is essential, particularly to achieve the dynamic range and emotional intensity that Patrick Sheehy is known for. Singing exercises such as the Farinelli Breathing technique can help to strengthen your breath support.

Open mouth and throat

Patrick Sheehy often expands his mouth and throat wider than usual to accommodate the intense sound he produces. As explained in the blog post, it helps to achieve louder and fuller tones, enhancing the emotional aspect of the performance.


Vibrato is essential when trying to mirror Walking on Cars' vocal style. Watch the Singing with Vibrato video for an explanation of how to do it.

Vocal range

To enhance your vocal range, you can take the Vocal range test on Singing Carrots. This tool shows your vocal limits, so you know which part of Walking On Cars’ songs to focus on.

Proper Posture

Good posture allows for deeper breaths and better airflow, thus improving singing quality and endurance. Follow the tips explained in the How posture affects your singing article to achieve the perfect singing posture.


Learning to sing like Patrick Sheehy of Walking On Cars requires passion, practice, and dedication to the techniques required for achieving his vocal style. Listening to Walking On Cars tracks and using Singing Carrots' tools and resources within this article will undoubtedly help improve your abilities and help you achieve a similar sound to one of the most influential vocalists in modern alt-rock music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.